Understanding Credit Derivatives: Market Overview, Volume One, Structured Credit Research, Bnp Paribas. |
Understanding Credit Derivatives: CDS Basics, Volume Two, Structured Credit Research, Bnp Paribas. |
Understanding Credit Derivatives: CDS Pricing, Volume Four, Structured Credit Research, Bnp Paribas |
Understanding Credit Derivatives: First- To-Default Baskets, Volume Five, Structured Credit Research, Bnp Paribas. |
Analysis of Credit Default Swaps: Market, Applications and Legal Issues, Massimo Telesca, November 2003. |
Exploring for the Determinants of Credit Risk in Credit Default Swap Transaction Data, Didier Cossin, Tomas Hricko, May 2001. |
Pricing credit derivatives with uncertain default probabilities, Vivien BRUNEL, Direction de la Recherche et de l’Innovation, January 10, 2001. |
Credit Derivatives |
Moody’s Approach to Rating ith-to-Default Basket Credit-Linked Notes, Henry Tabe, April 17, 2002. |
Pillar Funding Series 2003-1, Stefan Augustin, May 29, 2003. |
Moody’s Approach To Rating Synthetic CDOs, Yuri Yoshizawa, July 29, 2003. |
Credit derivatives: effects on the stability of financial markets, Deutsche Bank Research, June 9, 2004. |