ABS Consulting ABS Consulting provides rational engineering, science and technology-based solutions that blend effective management controls, state-of-the-art engineering analyses, practical loss-control measures and innovative risk-transfer options.
ABS Group Inc. RMPlanner is a Windows®-based program for RMP compliance, new from ABS Group Inc. It provides step-by-step guidance on implementing the RMP rule requirements at your facility. RMPlanner guides you through the RMP regulatory compliance process and provides the analysis/documentation tools – including consequence analysis using the EPA Offsite Consequence Analysis methodology – you need to effectively develop, characterize, and communicate your risk management programs. Other software provided by the company includes RootCause LEADER and HazardReview LEADER.
Acertus Acertus, Securac’s Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) software solution enables organizations to identify, measure, manage and mitigate risk and compliance in all aspects of the organization. Acertus is enterprise-wide, web-based, risk management software solution designed to improve how organizations assess risk, security and regulatory compliance.
Advanced Engineering Software (AES) AES distributes hydrologic software and offers a comprehensive library of hydrology/hydraulics software products. AES products have a one-time license fee.
Asian Risk Management Solutions (ARMS) The Asian Risk Management Society is a non-profit, non-governmental, international, and professional membership organisation. ARMSs' mission is to promote outstanding management thinkers and leaders for a dynamic world economy by:
- the promotion of the holders and graduates of Risk Management Professional Designations and Qualifications delivered by ARiMI (Asian Risk Management Institute);
- to foster, encourage and develop the practice of risk management in all its aspects among its members; and
- to help create a dynamic community amongst ARiMI's network of graduates.
AgRisk AgRisk is a Windows program designed to assist corn, soybean, wheat, and sorghum farmers to manage harvest-time revenue risk using forward, futures, options, and crop insurance contracts. Software produced at Ohio State University.
AIM (Advanced Information Management) Developers of risk management solutions to aid the analysis of financial data.
Air Dispersion Modeling Inc. Air Dispersion Modeling Inc. provides air dispersion and air quality models and modeling software.
Algorithmics Since 1989, Algorithmics software has helped transform the way banks, asset managers, and corporations measure their risk and manage their capital. The company develops and markets enterprise risk management solutions that address the ever-increasing complexity in financial markets and growing regulatory pressures. At the heart of Algorithmics risk management software, Algo Suite Solutions, is a new approach to risk management called Mark-to-Future, the first truly forward-looking risk/reward framework that allows many different outcomes between the present and some future time horizon to be considered and provides a more realistic assessment of long-term risk.
Allegro Development Texas-based company producing trading and risk management software for the energy industry. Allegro software gives you world-leading competitive power and agility by combining a service-oriented architecture with a highly flexible, modular application approach. Benefits range from greater operational efficiency to more accurate risk assessment to optimal decision making and more.
Alphametrics Site of an international group providing software and consultancy solutions for business with particular expertise in financial trading and economics. Provides service and product information about The FXAT Risk Management modules which provide the latest Position, Profit / Loss and Exposure figures split by dealer, book or currency.
Amadeus International Inc. Amadeus International Inc. specializes in designing and marketing integrated software for environmental, quality and health & safety standards compliance management. Amadeus International Inc. provides eQRP® solutions for large corporations and Providence Expert®, a solution for small-medium businesses.
Amelia Financial Systems Providers of software and support services aimed at banks and large financial institutions throughout Europe.
American Systems Corporation, ICE Directorate Integrated Computer Engineering, Inc. (ICE), a wholly owned subsidiary and directorate within American Systems Corporation's System Division since January 2002, has developed Risk Radar, a world-renowned risk management software designed by project managers for project managers. The easy-to-use tool helps program and project managers--at all levels and in all industries and project types--quickly categorize, prioritize, track, report, and manage their project risk. More importantly, using Risk Radar encourages open and honest risk communication across all project levels and provides managers with the visibility and risk information they need for timely and educated decision-making.
Analyse-It Software, Ltd. Analyse-it includes a vast range of statistical procedures including ANOVA & multiple linear regression, plus a specialized package for clinical method evaluation
AnTech Ltd. AnTech Ltd. designs and developments software for the upstream oil and gas industries. The company's main product is StringView® a well visualization software package which integrates with legacy data systems, helping to maintain consistent corporate appearance well diagrams.
Anvil Software Ltd Consultants and developers of software. Site includes information on products such as Denarius which provides Trade Capture, Position Management, Risk Management and Pricing functionality.
Application Networks Application Networks provides JRisk financial software for trading, trading support, and risk management solutions. JRisk supports activity across all financial products. It has been designed both with and for leading industry players to meet the most sophisticated functional requirements. JRisk is chosen by global Investment Banks to allow the fast delivery of new business applications. JRisk has business solutions across credit trading, equity, interest rate derivatives, structured / hybrid products and treasury / money markets.
Arthur D. Little, Inc. FaultrEASE (pronounced fall-TREES ) is a program for creating, editing, and computing fault trees. It allows you to create, edit, and draw fault trees with a minimum of effort. In particular, fault tree editing is very simple and quick. You can move symbols around in your tree, and the program will automatically re-balance the whole tree. Entire branches can be moved in the same way. In other words, FaultrEASE takes care of laying out your graphics for you, allowing you to focus on the logic. FaultrEASE performs fault tree mathematics, including mixed probability and frequency calculations, and cut-sets. For trees with repeated events, reduction is achieved using direct evaluation. This method is faster and more accurate than Boolean reduction. The company also produces CEGIS, an energy and greenhouse gas inventory tool.
Ascendant Technologies Risk technology company that provides risk management consultancy and own software product RiskWin - a real-time trading and risk management system.
Asset Control Developers of solutions for the financial world, such as the integration platform that manages both real-time and historic data from multiple vendors, as well as security master, corporate actions and counterparty data.
Automatic Data Processing (ADP) Offers computerised transaction processing - brokerage industry data, securities transaction processing and investor communication services etc
Axiom Software Laboratories (AXIOM) Develops risk management software, financial control and regulatory compliance packages etc. Products include RiskMonitor, ComplEye, ControllerView, Dynamicl Data Warehouse and Integration Center.
Barra Analytical investment and trading models, software and services. Site includes online research library with newsletter articles as well as product details and index analysis. This includes percentage returns for various market indexes, emerging markets volatility index etc.
Bass-Trigon Software (BTS) Bass-Trigon Software (BTS) is a leading provider of compliance, risk assessment, pipeline risk assessment, and maintenance management software and professional services to the world-wide petroleum and natural gas pipeline industry. BTS flagship products, Cathodic Protection Data Manager (CPDM) and Integrity Assessment Program (IAP), are the leading applications in the U.S. for corrosion data management and risk assessment software.
Bayesian Systems, Inc. Bayesian Systems, Inc. is a leading provider of software for managing uncertainty based on a long overlooked but powerful principle called Bayes theorem. This theorem is the fundamental principle governing the process of logical inference. It determines what conclusions can be made with what degree of confidence based on the totality of relevant evidence available. The company offers WinAwardTM, a business development decision and management system; Risk Assessment Software and Consulting, a product which helps solve risk, decision, and communication problems and includes methods development, custom software development and application of the Bayesian software engine; and BayesEngineTM Technology, a product which accurately evaluates evidence in situations that are uncertain and directs the user to the most probable conclusion.
Bear Measurisk, LLC Bear Measurisk's independent, third party risk solutions are designed to address the needs of pension plans, endowments and foundations, family offices, insurance companies, hedge funds and funds of hedge funds.
BEE-Line Software BEE-Line Software provides quality air dispersion modeling software, training, and expert support. The company pioneered PC modeling and has been a leader in microcomputer air modeling software since 1982. Years of experience in writing PC models and listening to users makes the company's software easy to use. The company offers software and courses for all dispersion modeling needs, from industrial permitting to Title III's 112(r) RMP modeling. BEEST for Windows (ISCST3, ISC-Prime, AerMod) software is an industry leader in modeling software for state and federal permits. The company offers other air dispersion modeling software, including SLAB, INPUFF2, and SCREEN3
Blackburn Group Consultants in risk finance and developers of operations and financial programs.
BMS Solutions - Safety & Environmental Management Software Systems BMS Solutions is a software company dedicated to the development of integrated management systems that are flexible and easy to use. The companies flagship product – SiteSafe is a comprehensive safety management system that covers the complete spectrum of safety related issues. SiteSafe is a combined management system and analysis tool, which features in-built data filtering, graphing and reporting capabilities. This coupled with the systems Action Tracking component, which automatically generates e-mail reminders of assigned actions makes SiteSafe a pro-active management tool. For environmental management we have developed IMPACT. This product combines the analysis and tracking features available within SiteSafe with the data capture requirements of the environmental department. Using IMPACT you can carry out impact assessments, manage your compliance requirements, track your environmental hazards and incidents and record and analyze your monitoring data. They have also developed web front ends for all their management systems to allow you to deploy your safety or environmental system over the web.
BOSS International Since its inception in 1986, BOSS International has become a recognized world leader in the field of civil and environmental engineering software. The company develops state-of-the-art hydraulic, hydrologic, water resources, groundwater, environmental, and surface modeling software packages for its customers. All BOSS products include free, lifetime technical support.
C Tech Development Corporation C Tech offers the Environmental Visual System which unites state-of-the-art 3D analysis, visualization, and animation tools into a powerful software system developed for geologists, geochemists, mining engineers, and modelers.
Cadmus Group, The Software and User's Manual for "Aquatic Ecological Risk Assessment: A Multi-Tiered Approach."
Caesar Petroleum Systems Caesar Petroleum Systems provides software solutions and consultancy services for the Oil and Gas Industry. Caesar’s main product is the PetroVR decision support toolsuite. The objective is to: (1) model the exploration, development, and operation activities of oil and gas projects; (2) model the economic terms and perform a full economic analysis; (3) measure full cycle, economic risks considering all key exploration, engineering, and financial uncertainty; and (4) provide comprehensive portfolio management and optimization.
CadhamHayes Systems Inc. The specialty of CadhamHayes Systems is providing information technology consulting and development services to the private and government sectors, primarily in the area of data management using relational database technologies. The company's involvement with monitoring systems began over a decade ago with the development of a complex hydrometric data management system for the Water Surveys Branch of Environment Canada. This system captures, manipulates and disseminates electronically sensed, time-series data from the department's nation-wide, environmental monitoring network. This was used as the basis for NewLeaf®, a software system for acquiring and processing data from environmental sensors and field data collection programs. It is capable of handling data from the environment in real time via telemetry or as non-real time physical measurements. The data can be modified, analyzed, and outputed to the screen, paper or computer media in general tables or graphs or in specific reports.
CEBOS Continuously Evolving Business Optimization Solutions (CEBOS) offers MQ1 software and related services to help industrial firms achieve and sustain ISO, QS and TE-9000 certification. The company is structured to serve small to mid-size industrial firms directly, with a lot of hands-on involvement in tailoring MQ1 software to fit individual situations. The company serves large firms with the additional help of value-added resellers and professional training and support organizations. The MQ1 package utilizes open database technology and is OBDC compliant. A full-featured user security setup ensures that users have appropriate access to information and protects data integrity. System wide task management and links to email provide a mechanism to increase communication and provide action item accountability.
Centerprise Services Inc. Provider of enterprise management solutions and application services for banks, asset management firms, insurance companies, and other financial institutions.
Chella Software Private Limited Providers of sophisticated Market Risk Management Systems for clearing corporations, back treasuries, broking houses, fund managers and corporate treasuries. Products include FROMS - sophisticated market risk management system and YieldGen - yield curve generator which is highly flexible and can be customizesd to meet country specific requirements. Variant is an upcoming product which will provide an integrated solution for market and credit risk.
Chemical Safety Corporation Chemical Safety Corporation, creator and distributor of environmental information management software, offers comprehensive software packages in total regulatory compliance designed to provide organizations with tools to manage an abundance of environmental, health, and safety information. The company produces several software packages, including Environmental Management Systems, a comprehensive software system for environmental and safety compliance, management, planning and reporting.
Cigital Developers of Software Risk Management.
CIMTechniques CIMTechniques is a leading developer of powerful Windows-based data acquisition software. The company's products are used in industrial testing as well as process monitoring and control (SCADA). They are committed to providing flexible, high performance software solutions that anyone can set up and use.
Citibank Citibank customer site is password accessible and aims to help manage currency exposures through a variety of data services and analytical tools including a portfolio analyser.
Climatronics Corporation Climatronics Corporation provides software for weather and wind sensors.
CompuTerra, Inc. RMP99 Assistant is a Windows based program designed to help develop a Risk Management Plan. RMP99 Assistant helps confirm the release duration, identify mitigation factors, describe the release point, as well as record safety inspections and training programs. Features of RMP99 Assistant include help in calculating the toxic endpoint calculations, the off-site consequence analysis, a release scenario, and the process hazard analyses. It also helps determine a five-year accident history, a facility's program level, and a prevention program. RMP99 Assistant verifies release quantities against process and facility inventories and accounts for connected pipes and other process components in the release quantity determination.
Computer Sciences Corporation CSC has helped its clients manage and profit from every major wave of change in information technology (IT) for more than 40 years. CSC believes success is best achieved through developing a thorough understanding of the real world needs and problems a business is facing. With this unique understanding, CSC goes beyond simple fixes to truly innovative, effective solutions. Its solutions include the RISKMASTER software family for risk management claims; RISKMASTER/World, a Windows-based risk management information system, and its new browser-based system RISKMASTER.net; and Global Risk Systems, a tool for implementing and optimizing business risk strategies that covers traditional insurance and loss data, as well as enterprise risk management data.
COR Risk Solutions COR Risk Solutions is a London based software company specialising in the development of computer applications for investment management and securities trading. Site provides a consulting and research section, information on BITA Plus.
Corbus Corbus, An MTC International Company, offers a variety of software programs designed to solve MSDS management problems and to ease required reporting like Tier II and Form R. Their programs provide electronic management of MSDS with multiple filter, search and security features. TERMS༞ electronically manages MSDS and prepares reports such as an EPA approved Form R, Tier II and EHS reports. Features include V.O.C. and H.A.P. identification and tracking, CERCLA Spill Report and a universal MSDS input module. NetMSDS༬ is the intranet/internet solution for multiple user access to MSDSs. Offering search, view and print functionality for MSDSs through a web browser.
Credix Providers of pre-packaged data warehouse software and decision support consulting services that enable financial institutions to manage credit risk on a portfolio basis.
Credosoft Ltd. RBI (Risk Based Inspection)/Inspection Management software from Credosoft is suitable for chemicals processing plants, refineries, production platforms, pipework, pressure systems, and rotating and static equipment. Organizations that use Credosoft products include Chevron Texaco, BP Amoco, Conoco Phillips, Exxon Mobil, AtoFina, DNV, Millennium Chemicals, AMEC, Kvaerner, AGIP, and Petro Canada.
Dakota Software Corporation Dakota Software transfers advanced knowledge management tools to environmental, health and safety compliance professionals in industry and consulting. Dakota Software Corporation introduced its first software product specifically designed to support environmental, health and safety auditing. Now a leader in the market, the company is unique in the industry in applying advanced expert system techniques. The company's flagship product, Dakota Auditor is a Windows-based software tool that simplifies the entire process of regulatory compliance auditing.
Data Shaping Solutions Data Shaping Solutions, LLC, has expertise in managing complex statistical problems and shaping data into actionable conclusions. The company designs original and efficient strategies applied to the stock market, internet market research, web site auditing and promotion. The company offers Advanced Trading Systems, which are online professional tools for short- and long-term stock traders with daily buy and sell signals. To download DataShaper, an integrated product for real-time strategy design and implementation, please see http://www.datashaping.com/download.shtml. The company also publishes a monthly newsletter on technical analysis. The trading software and strategies are designed by a statistician from Cambridge University.
DataWave Technologies DataWave Technologies offers a complete line of fully integrated, quality tested software and hardware packages for electrophysiology, neurophysiology and physiology related research. The company's products are used daily by leading researchers around the world.
Dataxiom Software, Inc. Dataxiom produces powerful yet easy-to-use data analysis software solutions for statisticians, scientists, engineers, and researchers. From the initial pre-analysis steps to the final report writing, the Dataxiom family of products are perfect for tackling any research problem. Among its products is XPro, the first statistical software to specialize in exact parametric methods to detect significant and nonsignificant experimental results, even with small sample sizes; Power and Precision, a stand-alone program for determining the sample size and statistical power for a planned study; and NCSS a software package that delivers high level statistical procedures with powerful data management and report editing capabilities into an intuitive user interface.
DAVID Corporation Renaissance Claims Management Software is a high-powered client/server product with an optional interface that offers comprehensive functionality, while harnessing the strength of Microsoft’s SQL Server Database platform. DAVID also offers DOS products - ClaimsPlus, P&CPlus, CompPlus, and Comp2000.
Decisioneering Decisioneering of Denver, Colorado, develops and markets software for modeling and risk analysis. Crystal Ball® is a Monte Carlo simulation add-in for Microsoft Excel and Lotus 1-2-3. Crystal Ball Pro is a suite of risk analysis programs that includes Crystal Ball, OptQuest (global optimizer that works with uncertainty analysis), and the Developer's Kit (VBA macros that allow users to customize the user interface). CB Predictor is an automated, time-series forecasting program that adds in to Excel for Windows.
Derivative Trading Systems Specialists in software for the financial markets, including OPEN HORIZON for risk managers.
Derivation Software Ltd Derivation provides derivatives software to investment banks, hedge funds and other groups dealing with transactions involving convertible bonds, options and other equity derivatives.
design safety engineering, inc. designsafe - the hazard analysis and risk assessment guide - brings safety into the design process. Developed by design safety engineering, inc. in Ann Arbor, MI, designsafe is an easy to use tool to quickly identify hazards and assess risks for product and process designs. designsafe guides safety professionals and engineers through a task-based assessment to reduce risks in a structured method, helping to include safety through design. designsafe is distributed by the National Safety Council with the support of the Institute for Safety Through Design.
Det Norske Veritas Risk Management Software DNV Risk Management Software develops quantitative techniques for assisting safety professionals in managing risk. Assisting companies from conception and design to start-up and operation, DNV offers software solutions for risk, safety, and reliability analysis, including Safeti, which calculates quantitative risk assessments for hazardous chemicals; PHAST, which examines the progress of a chemical process incident; NEPTUNE, a computational workbench for risk analysis; ORBIT, which uses Risk Based Inspection (RBI) techniques to help develop and improve inspection management programmes; CARA-FaultTree, a fault tree analysis program; Dust Expert, a tool that assists designers, operators, and safety professionals in the field of dust explosion, prevention, and protection; EPCON Product Suite, which includes CHEMPRO Engineering Suite, Engineers Aide SiNET, and API Technical Database; and SUMMIT, a tool for auditors.
digitec GmbH Provider of DEALEX-3, an integrated software solution for front, middle and back office. The Pricing System for real time FX and MM price calculation and distribution offers a global price engine for a bank.
DST International Specialist providers of risk management solutions, specifically Asset Management, Business Process Management, Utility Billing and Document Management, to financial organisations.
Dyadem International Ltd. Dyadem International Ltd. is a software development firm specializing in the production of fast, friendly, and powerful software tools for the risk industry. Products include PHA-Pro software (HAZOP, What If / Checklist, FMEA and PHA studies [OSHA compliance]); RMP-Pro software (risk management plan submissions to the EPA [40 CFR part 68 of EPA]); and RiskSafe software (job task /safety analysis [worker safety]). Download free trial versions of all products at http://www.dyadem.com .
EarthSoft, Inc. EarthSoft, Inc. has written EQuIS (Environmental Quality Information System), which is a widely used environmental data management system. EQuIS is used in Australia, the US, UK, and many other places, by the Regulatory Community, Industrial property owners, many consultants, and is supported by many analytical labs. EQuIS has been encapsulated with the ArcView GIS for unparalleled intuitive ease of use. It is powerful enough to manage all chemistry, geology, and hydrology data. The EQuIS data warehouse provides a means where a single data entry event can be exported to many industry standard tools.
EasySolve Software EasySolve Software is dedicated to providing professional quality geoscience software at a fraction of the typical market price. Developed by industry professionals for their own use, these programs are high quality and easy to use. Some of the programs available include EasyLog, a tool for creating graphical reports of borings, test pits, and groundwater monitoring wells; SizePerm, a program which calculates hydraulic conductivity of unconsolidated material from grain size analysis using 10 of the most accepted methods, and provides detailed reports with supporting documentation; and OmniVar, an interactive, graphical, 2D variogram analysis tool, providing a graphical report of the experimental data and fitted model with supporting documentation.
Ecologic Systems Ecologic Systems is an environmental technology firm that has created a suite of environmental management systems designed to save time and money, reduce risks, improve employee health and safety, and help comply with regulatory requirements, quickly and easily.
EGAR Technology Site contains detailed product information, including FOCUS, a fully integrated position keeping system offering pricing, reporting and risk management features supporting trading of over-the-counter and exchange-traded derivatives, foreign exchange, swaps, equities, metals, bonds, repos, commodities and money market instruments, and EGAR ONE, an equity derivatives trading system. Also contains press releases, recent press, and other services.
EM Applications Ltd EM Applications supplies institutional quality risk models and tools based on an extremely accurate and flexible multi factor statistical process. This allows risk decomposition and portfolio construction based on any time series, categorisation scheme or fundamental data.
emsoft emsoft was established to design, develop, market and distribute integrumTM and related products and services. integrumTM is recognized as a leading environment, health, safety and quality management system (EHS&QMS) software, and emsoft has reinvested revenues to date in maintaining market leadership through continuous product development. emsoft employees have a wide range of expertise and experience in environmental engineering, computer science, civil engineering, chemical engineering, environmental science and law.
Enviance Enviance delivers software that automates and improves greenhouse gas (GHG) and environmental, health and safety compliance management activities. Recognized as the only internet-based GHG and compliance software as a service, the Enviance System requires no hardware or software and easily scales. Leading retail organizations trust Enviance to reduce the time and cost of managing compliance and GHG activities, retain institutional knowledge and confidently certify compliance.
Environmental Risk Communications, Inc. Environmental Risk Communications, Inc. develops and services Defender, a software suite used to estimate and manage the financial risks associated with environmental projects. Remedy Defender enables project managers to compare the risk-adjusted net present values of alternative cleanup strategies on an individual site. Portfolio Defender summarizes the Remedy Defender information to generate portfolio valuations used in 10-K/annual report disclosure, merger & acquisition due diligence, and brownfield property valuation.
Environmental Software Providers (ESP) ESP is a leading provider of enterprise software solutions for environmental compliance management and emissions allowance portfolio management. ESP software is currently being used to track more than 70% of all SO2 allowances. They offer Emissions Allowance Risk Manager (EARM) software which is a module in the ecoAsset Manager suite of emissions allowance portfolio management software products. EARM helps companies manage risk in their trading programs and is the industry leader in emissions allowance risk management software.
Enviros Consulting Limited Environmental consultancy and software business Enviros Consulting Limited provides AMBER, Version 4.5, a flexible computer program that allows users to build their own dynamic compartmental models to represent the migration, degradation, and fate of contaminants in an environmental system. AMBER allows the user to assess the risk arising from routine, accidental, and long-term contaminant release. AMBER runs on any standard PC. The program is applied widely within the radioactive-waste management sector, and is increasingly finding wider applications.
Envision Sustainability Tools Inc. Envision Sustainability Tools focuses on developing computer-based learning tools that allow non-expert users to better comprehend and embrace sustainability. Sustainability, as the company sees it, is essentially a roadmap for continued development that recognizes the importance and interdependence of ecological, economic and social well being. The company's innovative approach to integrated modelling is called MetroQuest. MetroQuest is a user-friendly tool that is custom-created to explore and evaluate alternative scenarios for different regions. In addition to MetroQuest they are also involved in other leading edge solutions to facilitate effective sustainability decision-making. One such tool is the Canadian Climate Change Calculator, an interactive software tool designed to raise people's awareness of the greenhouse gases they produce through their daily activities and lifestyle choices.
Envision Technology Solutions Envision Technology Solutions has developed advanced risk management information systems software for a wide variety of businesses, including self-insured and self-administered corporations; insurance agencies, brokerages, and companies; third party claims administrators; and other financial intermediaries. Their products include: RiskEnvision, a fully integrated risk management information system that assists with claim data management for property and casualty lines of insurance; WebEnvision, a web enabling product featuring elaborate browser technology for RiskEnvision; and CompVision, a risk management information system for workers compensation claim management and cost containment.
eSpeed Provider of real-time, business-to-business electronic marketplace solutions.
ESS Is the leading provider of Operational Risk Management software and services for Environmental, Health & Safety (EH&S) and Crisis Management.
Exeter Software Exeter Software provides scientific software for teaching and research. Software is available in statistics, ecology, genetics, and other categories.
EXVaR Risk Solutions EXVaR, the Risk Management Software made by SFS ("Stochastics Financial Software") allows Risk Managers and Controllers to measure and manage in Real-time their Risk exposure.
FAME Time Series A SunGard software.
Fermat Fermat is a leading provider of risk monitoring and compliance software solutions to the global banking industry. Founded in 1996 by Pascal Froux & Gilbert Gagnaire, Fermat has built recognized market leadership and demonstrates strong growth momentum around its dual focus on Credit Risk and Asset & Liability Management (ALM). Fermat’s enterprise-wide risk management platform is an integrated suite of software packages providing risk monitoring and compliance tools to investment firms, retail and commercial banking operations and credit institutions worldwide. Fermat’s software suite addresses operational and regulatory requirements, providing both economic and regulatory risk measurement approaches and compliance.
FFastFill FFastFill is the leading provider of Application Services for trading and risk management on electronic markets. These services provide full application functionality, saving institutions the cost of investing in and maintaining their own technology infrastructure and staff department.
FieldWorker Products Ltd. The FieldWorker Data Collection software has many industry uses. It can be used in archeology for cultural resource reviews and site mapping; in asset management for utilities, public works, and the department of transportation; in civil engineering for environmental impact assessments; in conservation for government and environmental sample projects; in the environment for vegetation, habitat and trapping research, marine systems, river and stream inventory, wetlands delineation; in geology/mining for field mineral exploration; in precision agriculture for farm management and field scouting; and in waste management for field study of litter and refuse.
Financial Engineering Associates, Inc. (FEA) A supplier of analytical tools for the valuation and risk management of derivative securities. @ENERGY is the most commonly used and accepted set of energy derivatives analytics and valuation techniques in the energy industry worldwide. Over half of the top 50** energy companies have already adopted @ENERGY.
FinCalc Financial analytics and risk management tools. FinCalc covers bonds, money market, futures, options and interest rate derivatives. Site includes product details, downloads and a FinCalc option calculator.
Finsoft Finsoft is a leading expert in real-time transaction and information management systems.
FNX Limited FNX Limited is a financial markets solution company that provides state of the art front-, middle-, and back-office, fully web-enabled products for the international financial community. FNX's products include Sierra/eSierra System, a web-enabled, real-time, end-to-end trading, workflow management, and accounting solution, with extensive product functionality and deep foreign exchange coverage, that provides all the functionality of an STP trading desktop application over the Internet; Quantum Sierra, a web-enabled order management module providing high performance distributed trading tools that enable the transfer of deal capture activities from the trading room desktop to the institutional client; Sierra Treasury, a streamlined version of Sierra System that offers robust, web-enabled front-, middle-, and back-office functionality in a consolidated core product; and Sierra ASP, a complete end-to-end solution that offers full pricing and deal capture capabilities, comprehensive risk management functionality trade processing, settlement, and accounting on a fully outsourced basis.
Fourier Systems Fourier Systems develops and manufactures high-tech, high quality products for the information technology market. The company focuses on the development of high performance data acquisition products for the growing educational and industrial markets. Fourier has developed numerous data acquisition systems. Some such products include portable data loggers, a variety of more than 40 different sensors (voltage, current, temperature, sound, light, pH, distance…etc), and data analysis and processing software. In addition, Fourier Systems continuously develops curricula books to accompany its products in areas such as ecology, physics, chemistry, and biology.
FRI Corporation FRI Corporation, the investment management solutions company, is a leading provider of securities information services, asset, wealth, trading, and risk management software solutions. FRI delivers reliable, scalable, flexible and integrated solutions to the global investment community. These attributes enable rapidly deployed enterprise-class solutions that evolve quickly to respond to changing client needs and streamline business processes. The goal of FRI's targeted business solutions is to focus market and customer intelligence, empower informed decisions and reduce the cost of doing business in increasingly complex markets. FRI is T+1 compliant and our solutions play an integral role in addressing the requirements of evolving financial markets and specifically target the challenges presented by straight-through-processing (STP) initiatives. All FRI application software solutions are available on a license and/or an ASP basis.
Front Arena SunGard FRONT ARENA serves demanding financial institutions the world over. Their flagship product, FRONT ARENA is the definitive integrated solution for all aspects of sales, trading and risk management, operations and distribution.
FYI Visual FYI Visual is advanced data visualization software that converts large amounts of information into an intuitive visual representation so users can make better decisions faster. Our patented technology leverages the brain’s natural ability to recognize colors and shapes in much greater volume and detail than numbers and text. An FYI Visual display dramatically accelerates and simplifies data analysis. Equate our display to a weather map, where conditions are understood at a glance because millions of underlying data points are displayed in standardized colors and symbols. FYI Visual converts raw business intelligence into actionable information.FYI Visual can be used as a display layer for virtually any enterprise data source. Data visualization helps organizations leverage investments in existing systems–CRM, ERP, financial, supply chain, and battlefield management–by making existing information more accessible.
Galorath Incorporated For the past 20 years Galorath Incorporated (also known as GASEER Technologies) has provided the industry’s most comprehensive set of decision-support and production optimization tools. Combined with extensive consulting and support services, these estimation and analysis tools help manage product design and manufacturing operations, driving out costs and building in quality. An innovator in parametric analysis, Galorath’s SEER tools derive cost, schedule, labor and materials estimates by assessing the interaction and impact of product, organizational and even operational variables.
Gamma Design Software Gamma Design Software designs professional geostatistics software for the environmental and social sciences industries. The company produces GS+ for Windows. GS+ is a comprehensive geostatistics program that is fast, efficient, and easy to use. GS+ provides all geostatistics components, from semivariance analysis through kriging and mapping, in a single powerful program widely praised for its flexibility and friendly interface.
Gate lab Providers of products and services based on up-to-date technologies, to banking and financial institutions in the areas of finance, marketing and credit risk assessment.
GE Global eXchange Services (GXS) GXS offers trading, pricing support, credit risk management and market risk management solutions include the Risk Exposure Management System (RXM) and Trinity solutions. RXM is a global, real-time risk and exposure management solution, Trinity provides real-time trading, pricing, and market risk analytics capabilities.
GeoInfo Solutions (GIS) GIS Ltd. provides off-the-shelf MapInfo and custom-programmed decision support software integrating digital maps, spreadsheets and databases. These tools assist public service agencies and private corporations with risk analysis, resource allocation and decision-making.
GeoKnowledge GeoKnowledge develops and markets the GeoX system for stochastic assessment of resources, risks and economic value. The system is designed explicitly to support mission critical asset management decisions in oil and gas exploration projects. A distinctive model-based architecture working over the industry-standard database promotes effective use and integration of data and judgment in decision-making. The latest version of GeoX incorporates more than 15 years of active collaboration with the premier exploration shops around the world. For more info and contact details, please visit www.geoknowledge.com. Here you can also download a scaled-down, but fully functional, GeoX starter version.
Geospiza Geospiza is a leader in creating innovative bioinformatics software for DNA sequencing laboratories. Geospiza's FinchTM Suite of bioinformatics software components provides a complete, integrated data management solution for high-throughput production centers, core service facilities, and research laboratories. FinchTM Suite components integrate state-of-the-art algorithms with embedded relational database management system (RDBMS) technology.
GoldSim Consulting Group GoldSim is a powerful, user-friendly, and highly graphical computer program for carrying out dynamic, probabilistic simulations to support management and decision-making in engineering, science and business. The program runs on Windows-based personal computers. The program is currently being used by public and private organizations worldwide. The GoldSim Consulting Group licenses GoldSim to organizations, provides on-site training sessions, and offers consulting services helping to apply the software to complex systems. They also provide fully function free academic licenses to qualified individuals.
GreenWare Environmental Systems Inc. Environmental issues affect all aspects of business, from strategic planning and risk management to compliance and performance reporting. GreenWare responds to the environmental needs of businesses by combining environmental knowledge and professional skills with technical strength in information technology. The company creates tools that help businesses and professionals in the public and private sectors around the world manage and improve their environmental performance efficiently and effectively. These tools include environmental management information systems such as the environmental performance system for monitoring and reporting, and the suite of ISO 14000 software for assessing, implementing and auditing environmental management systems.
Groundwater Services, Inc. RBCA Tool Kit for Chemical Releases is a comprehensive modeling and risk assessment/characterization software package for Tier 1 and Tier 2 RBCA evaluations for chemical release sites. It expands on GSI's popular Tier 2 RBCA Spreadsheet System and meets the requirements of the ASTM Standard Guide for Risk-Based Corrective Action (RBCA). The Tool Kit combines contaminant transport models and risk assessment tools to calculate baseline risk levels and derive risk-based cleanup standards for a full array of soil, groundwater, surface water and air exposure pathways.
HACH COMPANY Provides advanced analytical systems and technical support for water quality testing, with solutions for lab, process, and field. Products are in use around the world, simplifying analysis with reliable, accurate results. The alliance with American Sigma aims to strengthen the ability to provide the most convenient, comprehensive water and wastewater monitoring solutions in the market. American Sigma is a recognized worldwide leader in the design and manufacture of innovative flow, sampling, rain and water quality instruments, communication products and data management software. The company produces VISION 2000 Integrated Sewer System Management Software, a complete Windows based sewer system management software which handles large projects with ease and performs logger programming and automated data collection and reporting with advanced graphing capabilities; and InSight Data Analysis Software, an easy to use software for logger programming and automated data retrieval which quickly creates reports and graphs and is now Microsoft Windows compatible.
Harmonian Technologies LLC Harmonian Technologies LLC is an American software development and management consulting firm based in Idaho. The firm offers CostBenefit.ComCentric software which assesses financial risks from business operations.
High Tower Software High Tower Software is a pioneer in visual data discovery solutions for Global-1000 companies who need to turn massive amounts of rapidly changing business data into knowledge and results. By automatically detecting any data element or trend that requires immediate analysis, the award-winning TowerView product allows companies to prevent costly problems and capitalize on opportunities. TowerView was designed to address the more advanced needs of enterprises tracking changes to huge quantities of data, either from real-time sources, data warehouses, or large data files – enterprises that need to perform the critical task of data discovery.
Higher Level Systems Limited Higher Level Systems, the creators and suppliers of Assistum technology, a knowledge-based tool that is applied to risk management, specialises in improving high-level business processes involving decision making and quality reviews that are consistent, transparent, informed, and documented every step of the way. Assistum can help with:
project and portfolio management including risk assessment,
complex multi-discipline projects such as designing oil wells,
audits of legal, security, environmental, and safety compliance,
knowledge management and sharing of best practice, and
empowerment without loss of control.
Examples of online risk management applications created with Assistum include an oil project priority knowledge base and a pharmaceutical project priority knowledge base. A collection of other examples is also available.
Hydrocomp, Inc. Hydrocomp develops and distributes continuous hydrologic simulation software (HFAM). The company's goal is to provide innovative methods for the management of water resources. Hydrocomp has its origins in research on mathematical modeling of hydrologic processes at Stanford University. The company has developed several widely used modeling systems, including the Hydrologic Simulation Program-Fortran (HSPF). Recent work in model development has created graphical, interactive systems for water resource management. Hydrocomp's Forecast and Analysis Modeling System (HFAM) makes streamflow forecasting and analysis of reservoir operations easy for operators and planners.
Hydstra Hydstra - a member of the KISTERS group - provides a range of software for managing large amounts of time-series data in the hydro power, water resources and wastewater industries. Hydstra offers a complete solution to environmental data management with unrivalled capability in:
- Data Acquisition
- Data Management
- Data Analysis
- Modelling and Simulation
- Automated Task Scheduling
Idealsoft, Inc. Asvaco Security Assessment Software, produced by Idealsoft, Inc., can assess anything, at any time, covering any topic. It includes Asvaco ScriptWriter, which allows anyone to create an assessment from scratch or add on to an existing set of questions, and Asvaco Engine, which runs the newly scripted assessment produced in the Asvaco ScriptWriter (sold separately).
Ideation International Ideation International is the leading provider of TRIZ-based accelerated training programs, innovation software products and information. TRIZ (the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) is an emerging science encompassing a structured method for creative thinking. It includes a theoretical base and various analytical and knowledge-base tools that help individuals invent and resolve complex problems in a systematic way. I-TRIZ refers to the Ideation/TRIZ Methodology, which incorporates advancements made during the past 15 years. The website contains a wealth of material on TRIZ, its advancements, and the advantages it can give your decision-making and innovation processes.
ImageWave® EHS Enterprise® Software Solution This EHS solution provides MSDS Management (MSDSFinder®), Environmental Reporting (including SARA 313 and Tier II), Container Labeling, MSDS Authoring, MSDS directory, MSDS Scanning/Updating Service and more.
Imagine Software Inc Developer of The imagine trading system which is a real-time derivatives portfolio and risk management system for listed and OTC securities, available for both the Unix and Windows NT platforms.
IMTI Systems Inc. IMTI Systems Inc., founded in 1979, is a technology service provider to the commercial and personal lines insurance industries. With an extensive history in pioneering technological solutions for insurance companies in the areas of underwriting and claims, IMTI now focuses on field services automation and the field employee. Their products and services ensure that the loss control engineer, premium auditor, and claims adjuster have access to the tools needed to collect their data and report their findings in real time--delivered over the Internet! Their products include ARIES (Automated Risk Evaluation System), PAMS (Premium Audit Management System), and ORION (IMTI's off-the-shelf Loss Control and Management System). IMTI's product set and proprietary development technology are also readily adaptable to solutions in the commercial security, residential, and other site survey industries.
Incom Pty Ltd INCOM supplies multi-user Risk Register software to manage general organisational risks following the world's leading risk management standards. While it is difficult to identify risks and correctly assess them, experience has shown that analysis of cost effectiveness and ongoing management of risk treatments (risk mitigation) is a complex issue. People may be good at assessing risks, but not necessarily effective at remembering to review them or to follow up on the effectiveness of risk treatments. In today's volatile security and financial environment, risk management systems must be capable of wider functionality, be database driven, and be available to many people in the organisation. Risk Register manages risk treatment cost effectiveness, monitoring, and tracking. These activities can be the most complex and labour intensive for risk personnel and the most costly for organisations.
Industrial Safety Integration Ontario-based Industrial Safety Integration provides the industrial hazard risk assessment software CIRSMA (Corporate Industrial Risk and Safety Management Application) and training to help their clients meet their regulatory obligations, including section seven of the Regulation for Industrial Establishments, Ontario Regulation 851, in Canada, and of 29 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 1910.212, in the United States. This innovative software program has been created to aid industrial establishments in developing a consistent approach to analyzing risk and defining appropriate risk reduction methodology. CIRSMA is a full featured software package that can be used to analyze risk, assess guarding, and prescribe the level of training required to work in close proximity to hazardous industrial equipment. In addition, the software includes a full document management module that will enable a company to prepare a long term plan and set target dates for the implementation of remedial measures. CIRSMA V2.0.0, released in September 2004, incorporates many new features and improvements that are based on international market requirements and customer feedback. For more information, read this news release, or visit http://www.cirsma.com/CIRSMA.htm.
Innova Financial Solutions Site has details of Innova's main products: Derivatives Expert 2 and Finance Partner.
Inssinc Providers of global software solutions for derivatives and treasury operations, including risk management.
Integral Development Corp Products, contacts and job vacancies information from this developer of mission critical financial software applications and online risk management solutions.
Intelex Technologies Inc. Since 1992, Intelex Technologies has been developing, implementing, and supporting electronic management systems for environment (ISO 14001), quality (ISO 9001:2000), and health and safety (OHSAS 18001). The ISOsoft 14001 and ISOsoft 9001:2000 systems are part of an extendable web-based platform that integrates modules for environmental, quality, and health and safety management into a cutting edge web-based environment. ISOsoft is easily deployed, inexpensive to maintain, and backed by an experienced support team that ensures the success of every installation; improves employee productivity through personalized task management; saves time and money by automating management system maintenance; records and tracks nonconformities and corrective actions through e-mail and web-based forms; significantly reduces time and costs associated with document control and distribution; ensures organization-wide involvement with the EMS. ISOsoft is part of the ISOsoft suite of management system solutions. An investment in ISOsoft can be leveraged for not just a single management system but for environmental management, quality management, and health and safety initiatives.
Intermark Solutions Developer of risk management and trading system solutions, including FOCUS which offers pricing, reporting and risk management features.
IPS-Sendero IPS-Sendero provide PC and server-based financial management, accounting, planning and interest rate risk management software.
Iris Financial Engineering & Systems Developers of trading systems, including the Bond Risk Management System.
Istria Limited Istria provides specialist risk management services including software, training and consultancy services. The Istria Risk Management Method promotes the attainment of strategic goals and objectives, provides vital Management Information for effective decision making and tackles uncertainty in planning and analysis. As a result, problems can be identified and addressed before they occur. The industry leading IRIS (Istria Risk and Issue Support) software tool embeds the Enterprise Risk Management Method. It uses powerful, sophisticated Monte Carlo simulations to produce accurate assessments of your total risk exposure and quantify the financial benefits of implementing risk mitigating actions. Features include: Dynamic Risk Matrices for improved visibility of risks affecting the corporate, divisional or project level of the organisation; automated export of data to Microsoft Project; secure Audit trail for Risk Management actions; and robust decision support through quantified cost benefit analysis, utilising Palisade’s @Risk package. Key clients include Transport for London, the UK Home Office, British Telecom, DHL and the Ministry of Defence.
JP Morgan RiskMetrics page introducing the RiskManager - a stand-alone application for the measurement and analysis of market-based Value-at-Risk.
JPandora® Due to the international experience in auditing and risk management Risk Engineering® developed a new reference model for the evaluation of the Internal Control System (ICS) and created a proprietary operational risk management framework compliant with Sarbanes-Oxley and Basel II requirements. The software JPandora®, a tool for the identification, assessment, monitoring and management of operational risks, is one of the top and less expensive ORM software packages on the market.
Kamakura Corporation International financial information and risk management software firm.
Kiodex Inc. This technology and services company provides risk management and trading expertise through cost-effective, easily accessible, web-based risk management tools that enable commodity market participants such as traders, managers, and corporate officers to easily and accurately understand, quantify, and manage their risks. The easy-to-use risk management system Kiodex Risk WorkbenchSM provides pricing tools, market data, and financial reports to assist corporations in managing their exposure to market volatility and in complying with U.S. GAAP -- particularly Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Statement 133. The real-time, Internet-based order-matching Kiodex Trade Engine powers major electronic exchanges.
Lakes Environmental Software Lakes Environmental specializes in environmental software and training. Their range of air dispersion modeling, risk assessment (human health and ecological), and emergency release modeling software is widely used by consultants, industries, governmental agencies and academia. All programs are Windows based and provide full graphical visualization including import of base maps from your favorite formats. Their software incorporates GIS tools by ESRI, the makers of Arc View and Arc Info, to provide users with the best GIS capabilities. Their advanced risk assessment software for human health (IRAP-h View) and ecological risk (EcoRisk View) is based on the most recent guidance from the U.S EPA. Comprehensive risk assessments can now be completed in a fraction of the time traditionally required. ISC-AERMOD View is revolutionizing the field of air dispersion modeling by providing three U.S. EPA models, ISCST3, AERMOD, and ISC-PRIME under one seamlessly integrated interface. For denser-than-air modeling and accidental releases, SLAB View provides the best interface to the U.S EPA SLAB model. RMP View and SEVEX View are used to prepare risk management plans or comprehensive emergency response plans. To support all of their products, Lakes Environmental provides training on risk assessment (health and ecological), air dispersion, toxic release, and risk management planning.
Lattice Financial Lattice Financial provides top-quality risk management and optimization software for the financial services industry with experts in integrated risk modeling and stochastic optimization problem solving. Lattice Financial's Windows based software coupled with state of the art optimization allows their clients to manage pension plans, insurance risk, portfolios or corporate risk. The software appraises assets and liabilities together, performs multi-period modeling, and considers a wide range of investment opportunities such as private equity, international investments, real estate, and inflation indexed bonds. Lattice Financial's clients include American Express, American Re-Insurance, General Motors, Merrill Lynch, Siemens and Towers Perrin/Tillinghast.
Leading Market Technologies Developers of advanced analytics and decision support software solutions for the financial industry. Products include EXPO/Risk.
Line Business Services Limited Line Business Services specialises in providing medium to high-level management consultants in Health & Safety, Project Management, Safety and Risk Assessments, Software and IT Support Services. By adding specialist skills to your existing management structure they enhance the impact you will make in meeting your objectives. Bringing a fresh approach to established thinking, or turbo-charging an existing business practice model, Line Business Services adds essential value to the modern organisation.
Litigation Risk Analysis, Inc. Litigation Risk Analysis, Inc. offers Litigation Risk Analysis, a software package that provides a rigorous approach for dealing with — and quantifying — the uncertainties inherent in litigation. It also provides a logical method for arriving at conclusions about case value that properly reflect the analysis of underlying issues and evidence. It also offers DATA Decision Tree software from TreeAge, an award winning decision analysis program available for Windows. DATA assumes the user understands how to perform a Litigation Risk Analysis and offers a unique combination of ease-of-use and extraordinary power that makes it practical to apply decision-tree analysis to virtually any legal problem.
Lombard Risk Management Providers of Oberon Risk Management software and associated products, also training and consultancy in related fields.Site provides product and service information.
Lumenaut Lumenaut is a software design company that specializes in developing out of the box analytical application for business. The company has developed "Lumenaut," a statistical and decision analysis software add-in for Excel, featuring parametric and non-parametric statistics, decision trees, and sensitivity analysis.
Lumina Decision Systems, Inc. Lumina Decision Systems, Inc., of Los Altos, California, is a computer software and services company that develops and markets software for modeling and decision support, such as AnalyticaTM, which is a visual modeling tool incorporating hierarchical influence diagrams for building and managing complex risk models. In addition to information about the company itself, sources of information, both on and off the Web, are listed for categories such as management software, risk and insurance, medical decision making, and decision sciences.
Mainstay Software Corporation Mainstay Software Corporation was established to continue developing and marketing MAINSTAY, a one-of-a-kind OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing) database and when the company began to focus its attention on the aerospace/defense industry, it developed (using MAINSTAY) PPAS (Proposal Pricing and Analysis System), the company's flagship product. As the first PC-based proposal pricing tool, PPAS received much attention. Today, it is used by many government contractors for preparation, analysis, and presentation of proposals, as well as for the analysis and evaluation of proposals by government agencies themselves. In addition to the PPAS product, Mainstay Software offers a parametric estimating program, ParaModel, and a risk assessment and management software product, STAR, which are both designed with flexibility in mind to accommodate the requirements of government requests for proposals. Mainstay has now developd the Closed Loop Acquisition Analysis System (CLAAS), a new family of proposal products featuring the company’s flagship PPAS Proposal Pricing and Analysis System.
Market Maker Software AG Supplier of German software for technical analysis, charting and management of securities accounts.
Marsh Inc. Leading risk and insurance services firm Marsh Inc.'s products include STARS, an information system for managing the total cost of risk that brings together software and technology with consulting services and customer service, and TrendTracker, a suite of applications that can automate virtually any audit process, including environmental assessments, claims audits, health and safety inspections, IT audits, compliance audits and management systems audits. TrendTracker also features customizable reporting and web-based action plan and recommendation tracking.
Mastek Ltd. A SW-CMM Level 5 and P-CMM Level 3 global information technology (IT) applications outsourcing company with nearly two decades of experience, Mastek offers application management, application development, risk management solution, system integration for financial services, insurance, manufacturing, telecom, and retail sectors. The company has accumulated over 7000 person-years of experience, executing more than 700 projects worldwide for clients that include Fortune 1000 companies. Mastek offers offshore software development, applications management, risk management, CRM/eCRM, and consulting services. Its solutions use technologies like Java, EJB, J2EE, JSP,Sun Solaris, UNIX, C and C++, XML, and TCP/IP, among others.
McCabe Software McCabe Software, of Columbia, Maryland, develops and markets tools for software testing, metrics, and code coverage.
Measurement Computing The leader in low cost PC-based data acquisition, control, and GPIB hardware and software.
Methodware Limited Offers risk management and operational risk management software solutions.
Microgen Information Management Solutions Microgen is a leading IT solutions and services group providing software solutions, consultancy and managed services. Headquartered in Fleet, Hampshire, Microgen also has UK offices in London, Belfast, Edinburgh and Welwyn Garden City. The group operates internationally with offices in United States, Hong Kong, South Africa, Poland and Guernsey. Microgen has extensive experience in the financial services industry with project expertise in Investment Banking, Retail Banking, Insurance and Asset & Wealth Management.
ModelAssist Developed by David Vose and his team at Vose Consulting, ModelAssist is the most comprehensive template, training and reference software available. ModelAssist can be used as a 'personal risk analysis expert', giving you a complete roadmap to risk analysis. With over 150+ example models and more than 500 risk analysis topics, ModelAssist will not only help beginners produce accurate, defensible and clear risk analyses, but also offer the advanced risk analyst an opportunity to expand and improve their risk analysis skills. ModelAssist is available in four versions, of which two for Crystal Ball and two for @RISK users.
Moody's Quantitative Risk Analytics Moody's Risk Management Services' Quantitative Risk Analytics (QRA) is a set of Moody's products and services that help investors, researchers and other market participants assess credit risk within an objective quantitative framework.
Moody's Risk Management Services (MRMS) Moody's Risk Management Services provides credit risk analysis and management tools and education and consulting services.
Mosaic, Inc Providers of Software Risk Management Services.
Murex Murex provides integrated front and back office systems to handle derivatives trading in the areas of foreign exchange, energy and commodities, stocks and interest rates.
National Safety Council The National Safety Council has available for both Windows and Macintosh platforms an emergency management and risk assessment software called CAMEO. The CAMEO suite includes: (1) a safety and emergency response database on over 4,700 chemicals and databases to track chemical inventories and to prepare emergency plans for facilities and chemicals in transit, (2) an emergency air dispersion model, ALOHA, to estimate the endpoints of toxic plumes, and (3) a mapping application to analyze data spatially and to assess risk to vulnerable populations. (Note: ALOHA is approved by EPA for RMP off-site consequence analysis and is sold separately.)
Natural Logic, Inc. Natural Logic, an environmental management firm, provides environmental management software, databases, and information tools for business leadership and environmental quality. Its products include EQE Checklist, an interactive checklist that assesses a company's environmental quality and efficiency; EcoAudit Toolkit, an expert system, knowledge base, and report generator that improves speed, thoroughness, and consistency of eco-efficiency and pollution prevention assessments; and Business Metabolics, an environmental performance indicator software.
Navy's Best Manufacturing Practices Center of Excellence The Navy's Best Manufacturing Practices Center of Excellence offers free risk management software (Technical Risk Identification and Mitigation System - TRIMS) as part of its Program Manager's WorkStation (PMWS). This tool primarily focuses on risk management in systems engineering.
NeuralWare NeuralWare is a leading supplier and developer of neural network software for the development and deployment of innovative, intelligent, on-line solutions for commercial, industrial, government, and scientific applications. NeuralWare combined the expertise of mathematics, engineering, and computer science within their product line to produce powerful computation environments beyond standard statistical models for engineers and scientists. The company's products form a high-performance technical computing environment providing nonlinear mathematics through neural networks to produce some of the most state-of-the-art software solutions possible.
NumeriX NumeriX is the leading independent analytics specialist for derivatives trading and structured products. You won’t find a more flexible pricing solution in the industry to help you anticipate and capitalize on changing market requirements. With the state of the art model implementation and calibration you have access to powerful functionality that is simple to use.
Occusoft Corp. Occusoft Corporation develops Risk Management, Employee Health, Training and MSDS Software.
OMX Corporate OMX is a leading expert in the exchange industry. OMX owns exchanges in the Nordic and Baltic region, and develops and provides technology and services to companies in the securities industry around the globe. They are totally focused on helping their customers achieve more efficient securities transactions.
OpenLink OpenLink is a leading developer of front- to back-office, cross-market trading, risk management, and operations software. Our straight-through-processing (STP) solutions are relied upon daily to support the trading activities at some of the world’s leading financial institutions, central banks, regional banks, corporations, and energy marketers. Endur, our energy/commodity markets product, covers a comprehensive list of instruments including electricity, natural gas and NGLs, crude oil and refined products, base and precious metals, coal, weather derivatives, emissions, bandwidth, soft commodities, and foreign exchange. Findur, our financial markets product, covers a comprehensive list of instruments including money markets, fixed income, foreign exchange, derivatives, structured products, metals, and energy. At OpenLink we strive to develop unparalleled relationships with our entire client base by supporting every client like they were our very first. Headquartered in Long Island, New York, and with offices in London, Houston, New York City, Berlin, Sydney, and São Paulo, OpenLink employs over 300 professionals worldwide.
OptialTM OptialTM is a leading supplier of web-based audit, compliance and risk management solutions for business and government. Their products have been implemented by Fortune 500 organizations in almost 50 countries. OptialTM offers a platform for managing key business assurance activities more efficiently and more effectively, generating operational cost reductions and delivering transparency and confidence in the management of corporate risks. The OptialTM system is developed as a flexible platform to support risk management and compliance methodologies within global corporations. This entails an enterprise level application designed to scale to large user numbers, with an inherent flexibility engineered into the system from inception and a simple user interface enabling unskilled users to become immediately productive. Using the latest technology, our internet software products are engineered to be highly scalable and extensible. A wide spectrum of deployment methods is offered: you can benefit from the world-class levels of security and reliability offered in a hosted deployment; or maintain full internal control over the system in a conventional on-site installation. The applications are accessed via a standard web browser from any computer connected to the internet or Intranet as applicable.
Orc Software Developers and marketers of electronic trading and risk management software packages including the Orc System.
Orion Healthcare Technology Orion Healthcare Technology has created Root Cause Analyst, the first automated root cause analysis product developed specifically for healthcare by healthcare quality specialists (more info at http://www.rcasoftware.com/oursoftware.htm) as well as SentryHealth, a complete healthcare quality improvement and risk management solution, also developed specifically for healthcare.
PaceMetrics PaceMetrics is a company aimed at Business Optimisation in the Finance Industry with particular focus on radically increasing Operational Efficiency and reducing and controlling aspects of Operational Risk.
Paisley Consulting The Paisley Solution empowers executive management, risk managers, and business process owners with the ability to better reconcile the material and relevant risks impacting their organizations. The Paisley Solution is the industry’s first integrated platform for Sarbanes-Oxley compliance, general compliance, internal audit and operational risk management. The Paisley Solution breaks down information silos, improves collaboration and consistency, and provides the management team with a dashboard view of the risks impacting their business.
Palisade Corporation Palisade Corporation is a world leader in risk analysis, decision analysis, optimization, and statistical analysis software products. Since 1984 Palisade has used Monte Carlo simulation and Genetic Algorithm technologies to help analysts, researchers, and managers make better decisions. Palisade products include: @RISK (risk analysis add-in for Excel), PrecisionTree (decision analysis add-in for Excel), StatTools (statistics add-in for Excel), @RISK for Project (risk analysis add-in for Microsoft Project), Evolver (Genetic Algorithm optimizer for Excel), RISKOptimizer (Genetic Algorithm and Monte Carlo simulation optimizer), and the DecisionTools Suite.
Panalytix Providers of financial derivatives risk management systems to investment and commercial banks, hedge funds, insurance companies, corporate treasury departments (FASB 133), accounting and consulting firms. Site includes details of the APeX Risk Management system, as well as news, white papers and downloadable articles.
Parker Global Strategies, LLC Providers of Alternative Investment Strategies including hedge funds, foreign exchange, fixed income, equities, and commodities along with high value-added services to both institutional and private clients
PerDATUM Inc. PerDATUM Incorporated is a leader in Windows-based software for managing occupational injury and illness information. The PROGNOS family of products provides safety, workers' compensation, risk management, and occupational health professionals with powerful tools for information management and statistical analysis to help manage and analyze illness and injury data.
PIONEER Technologies Corporation PIONEER Technologies Corporation develops and markets scientific modeling and analysis software. SmartRISK is a complete multi-chemical, multi-pathway risk assessment modeling package for Windows. SiteSTAT is a Windows-based visual data analysis/statistical analysis tool designed specifically for analytical data. SmartTOX is a toxicity value subscription service that contains up-to-date USEPA toxicity values found on IRIS and HEAST available for download at www.uspioneer.com.
PIZER Incorporated PIZER Incorporated is a civil engineering software company, specializing in hydraulic analysis of municipal sewer systems, and earthwork cut and fill quantities calculations. The company's best known software product line, the HYDRA is a hydraulic analysis, design, and management software package for storm, sanitary, and combined sewer systems. The HYDRA sewer model is ideal for comprehensive sewer master planning, infiltration and inflow studies, rehabilitation projects, determination of development impact fees, and stormwater runoff management. EARTH, the company's earthwork cut and fill calculation software, is a quick and simple quantity calculation tool for excavation, paving, and grading. It is ideal for roadway and highway design, road widening, borrow pits, dredging, trenching, site design, reclaimation, and other large engineering and construction projects involving excavation requiring moving large quantities of soil, rock, gravel and is used as a standard by the US Federal Highway Administration and several State Highway Departments.
Portiva Corporation Portiva Corporation has developed an operational risk management package with input from Deloitte & Touche. The software is considered one of the top ORM software packages on the market.
Primatech Inc. Primatech develops and licenses computer software packages for process safety and risk management applications. Primatech is a world leader in software for process hazard analysis (PHA) studies. AUDITWorks for Windows assists in the preparation, conducting and documentation of safety and environmental compliance audits. PHAWorks for Windows helps you conduct process hazard analysis studies (HAZOP, WHAT IF, FMEA, etc.) including revalidation studies for process safety and risk management programs. PSMSource for Windows is a software-based PSM encyclopedia that contains information meticulously gathered by Primatech since the PSM standard was issued, including interpretations, clarifications and citations of the standard by OSHA contained in written documents and verbal presentations at technical meetings, workshops, conferences, website, etc.
Principa Partners LLC Principia Partners is a leading provider of advanced end-to-end processing solutions for the structured finance and capital markets/treasury markets. Offers the Principa Analytic Systems (PAS),which provides VAR as well as simulation analysis that includes interest rate, foreign exchange and equity shifts.
Probability, Statistics & Information (PSI) PSI has developed EnvironmentalStats for S-PLUS, a new S-PLUS module for environmental statistics and quantitative risk assessment with an extensive hypertext help system that functions as an electronic text book.
Professional Options Package (PMpublishing) PMpublishing's Professional Options Package (P.O.P.) is a PC-based risk management system for options traders.
Prosig Computer engineering company Prosig manufactures high quality software and hardware to capture and analyze all manner of "real-world" data. Prosig is a specialist in the capture, analysis and display of data both on the work-bench and under field conditions. DATS for Windows is their main software product. DATS has been developed over 25 years and, with over 200 analysis functions, provides engineers with the ultimate proven signal processing toolkit. Acquisition, analysis, display and reporting of technical data are achieved using 'point and click' operations in a familiar Windows environment.
Q5AIMS Audit & Inspection Management System The Q5AIMS Audit & Inspection Management System is an innovative and leading-edge solutions. Q5AIMS technology enables you to conduct your audits, behavior-based observations and corrective actions faster, easier, and with more meaningful results. Integrating desktop, laptop, tablet, Palm or Pocket PC technology, Q5AIMS is your total audit management solution. Q5AIMS is multi-dimensional. It is used for security, risk management, health & safety, environmental and all quality auditing. One tool for all auditing and assessments.
Quantalytics, Inc. After years of training clients how to use backup systems to reduce the risk of losing their computer data, Quantalytics, Inc., now offers a remote automatic computer backup solution named Q-Back. This software runs a computer backup job unattended at night, after business hours, and transfers the compressed, password-protected files via FTP to Quantalytics' backup server. Read this news release (PDF file) for more information.
Quantax Quantax is a 100% Web-based Trading and Risk Management System with low total cost of ownership. It covers a wide range of instruments, and is easily extensible due to its technology based on open source sofware (Zope and Python). The Quantax Newsletter informs you about new development and applications of the Quantax product line.
Quantifi, Inc Quantifi, Inc is a financial software company that provides state-of-the-art models, pricing tools, and risk analysis for the world’s credit markets. In the rapidly evolving credit markets, the ability to price and support new products in a timely fashion can be crucial to success. Quantifi is the credit specialist that answers the challenges of the credit markets with the most comprehensive and powerful suite of credit derivative pricing models and risk analysis available today. The company fully supports products ranging from Bonds and Credit Default Swaps (CDS) to Nth to default (NTD) baskets, collateralized debt obligations (CDOs), Nth loss tranches, structured notes, credit options, quanto credit products, and contingent credit products. Quantifi's unique experience in the credit markets along with its ability to translate research into robust, real-world implementations provides you with tools you can use with confidence, power and precision. Their value proposition is simple: their products can immediately put you on the leading edge of credit modeling and their experience, vision, and commitment to excellence will keep you there. (Also see flier in PDF.)
Quantitative Risk Management Consulting and Systems Development Firm specializing in interest rate risk management systems used for balance sheet management, profitability analysis, secondary marketing and mortgage servicing valuation and accounting.
Quantum Compliance Systems, Inc. Quantum Compliance Systems brings a practical perspective to the management of environmental, health and safety information by offering its high performance software - Facility Tracking System (FacTS). FacTS is designed to match the facilities operations, while supporting the regulations and bringing customers business advantages and tools to achieve regulatory compliance. FacTS tracks and monitors EH&S activities for multiple facilities, providing the ability to analyze and evaluate the data needed to make well informed management decisions. Comprehensive and flexible, FacTS automates and integrates the broad range of EH&S activities at the plant, division and corporate level.
RaisePartner Corporation Raise Partner provides modular tools for banks, hedge funds, asset managers, insurance companies and corporates companies. Raise Partner’s suite of business components, called NORM (Numerical Optimization & Risk Management), is intended for use by financial engineers and quantitative analysts, allowing them to easily develop enhanced pricing models and reducing the development lead time for new products.
RAMS (Barkley International Incorporated) Risk management software and consultancy services.
RAMAS Software RAMAS® software by Applied Biomathematics® for ecology, conservation biology, wildlife management, and public health risk analysis is widely used for teaching and in applied research.
Reech Capital The Reech solution suite delivers pricing, independent OTC derivatives portfolio valuation and risk management services to the derivatives and financing markets via an Application Service Provider (ASP) platform. The Reech solution suite includes Reech FastVal, an independent portfolio valuation tool, Reech REAL, the Reech analytics Library for exotic derivatives pricing and Reech RiskHedge, a risk management engine for the alternative investment market. The suite is powered by Reech ADEP, a generic English-based meta language that can describe and analyse virtually any product from vanilla to highly structured and exotic derivatives on a broad range of asset classes including equity, fixed income, foreign exchange and credit. Clients include banks, hedge funds, prime brokers, fund administrators, corporates, central banks, primary issuers, building societies and asset managers.
Relational Security Corporation Relational Security Corporation offers RSAM. RSAM is breakthrough risk assessment and ongoing compliance software built on an open framework that quickly adapts to any environment. It blends intuitive multi-user interfaces with practical, best of breed assessment methodology delivering the most powerful solution on the market.
System Reliability Center (SRC) SRC, an Information Analysis Center chartered by the U.S. Department of Defense and operated by Alion Science and Technology (formerly IIT Research Institute), serves as a government and industry focal point that provides technical expertise and information to improve the reliability, maintainability, quality, and supportability of manufactured components and systems. SRC offers a complete product line of reliability, maintainability, quality, and supportability publications, automated databases, and software, including PRISM, a new software tool that ties together several tools into a comprehensive system reliability prediction methodology.
Reuters Reuters offers a range of information services, software, and consultancy to support all stages of the trading and risk management process. Reuters Kondor+ product is a real-time position-keeping system that offers a flexible means of capturing deals and managing risk, as well as a variety of tools that give up-to-the-second information and analytics. Kondor+ supports multiple trading or investment desks by handling a wide range of transactions (fixed income, equities, FX, money markets, exchange-traded, and over-the-counter derivatives). In addition, the system offers reports including cash flow profiling, valuation, gap analysis, horizon analysis, VAR, and capital allocation.
Reveleus from i-flex solutions Reveleus enables organizations to respond to market needs, enhance customer service levels, and manage risk through its suite of information management products and services.
Ris3 Ris3 provides risk management software, training and consultancy services. Main products are RisGen risk manager and compliance manager.
Risiko Pty Limited HIRApac is a Windows-based computer software package for hazard identification and risk assessment. It enables efficient identification, assessment, documentation and communication of risks. It is designed to be easy to understand and easy to use for all levels on an organisation. Its logical and structured approach allows users to efficiently assess risks and develop appropriate risk reduction strategies. Any corporation’s risk matrix and associated guidelines can be easily integrated into HIRApac. It is ideal for hazard identification and risk assessment workshops providing a powerful visual interface for data projection. HIRApac has been developed by Risiko Pty Limited, Sydney, Australia.
Risk Decisions Ltd. Risk Decisions specializes in providing robust, flexible, and scalable risk management solutions built upon its Predict! software and its comprehensive consultancy and training services. Predict! Risk Controller is a powerful database application that enables organisations to implement robust and consistent risk management at every level: business unit, project, programme, collaborative project, or function. It provides the benefits of a commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) package, with the flexibility to configure it to support their processes. Risk Controller incorporates the leading quantitative schedule and cost risk analysis product, Predict! Risk Analyser. The result is an extremely powerful toolset that removes the need to transfer data from one package to another. Risk Controller and Risk Analyser also link to all the leading planning and requirements tools either through database-to-database links or file imports. Risk Decisions provides solutions to the MoD, the defence industry, and major corporations in the construction, energy, engineering, nuclear power, pharmaceuticals, transport and utilities sectors. Visit www.riskdecisions.com for further information.
Risk Services & Technology (RST) Risk Services & Technology of Amherst, New Hampshire offers their RiskTrak Risk Management Software and consulting services in risk management for government, military and commercial entities. RiskTrak is fully compatible with Windows 95 and features; a SQL engine for database management, network interface and Email functionality. RiskTrak imports from, and exports to, any fully ODBC-compliant database.
Risk Technologies Inc Developers of custom technology based solutions. Site provides information on RiskVision, a custom claims/risk management solution.
RiskAdvisory Software Inc. RiskAdvisory Software Inc. provides real-world risk management solutions for power utilities. The company has developed Energy BookRunner, a software designed by accomplished energy risk professionals ensuring a solution you can work with and results you can understand. It is an Oracle-based commodities risk management system that includes functionality to track electric power, natural gas, and other energy transactions.
RiskAnalytics Providers of derivatives and risk management technology, as well as front to back office implementation and reporting systems. Their RiskObjects risk management system has pricing, revaluation, simulation, drill down and what-if/scenario analysis.
RiskCare Derivatives consultancy based in London offering tools and solutions for the world's financial markets.
Riskmanagement Concepts Systems (RCS) Riskmanagement Concepts Systems develops standardized systems for enterprise-wide risk management, which enable corporations to evaluate, control, and manage all kinds of risk, including credit risk and operational risk.
RiskMetrics The now independent RiskMetrics (previously part of JP Morgan) provide details of their products: RiskMetrics, CreditMetrics, CorporateMetrics, FourFifteen, RiskManager,CreditManager and CorporateManager. The research section has working papers from RiskMetrics employees, complemented by technical documents and updates about current RiskMetrics products.
RiskWatch Inc. RiskWatch Inc., a leading risk assessment software company since 1990, provides quantitative risk analysis software that produces accurate results for better decision making on security measures. Based in Annapolis, Maryland, with a sales and engineering office in San Jose, California, its clients include U.S. federal agencies and departments, states, and corporations. The software is available in versions for information systems, for physical security, for school security, and for security planning.
rL Solutions rL Solutions provides customer service and risk management solutions that are easily implemented, globally accessible, and have a positive impact on the quality of care and service for health care consumers. The company has developed Risk Monitor Pro 1.1, a software package that combines industry leading technology with expert clinical risk management practice to create the most advanced system for adverse event reporting and analysis. By streamlining adverse event reporting, establishing notification systems and automating resource-intensive processes, Risk Monitor Pro 1.1 augments risk management practices for effective patient safety and risk prevention efforts.
RMRI Ltd. DDMT (Data and Decision Management Tool) is a ‘desktop’ software tool which facilitates the construction of the Risk Profile for an asset. The Risk Profile is presented in an accessible format and fundamental decision-making facilities are included. By allowing updating of the Risk Profile as new information becomes available, it acts as a through-life record of the asset and a communication aid, as well as ensuring that the best information is used in ongoing decision-making. This enables more appropriate, cost-effective asset management decisions to be taken.
Roadmap Technologies Roadmap Technologies provides sales forecasting and business planning software. Roadmap's suite of analytical applications provide advanced forecasting, data mining and collaborative planning technologies to give organizations a clearer view of the future.
Rolfe & Nolan Software provider for the global listed derivatives industry.
Sabre Systems, Inc. Sabre Systems produces PreWin, the ultimate software for industrial pretreatment programs. It is a Windows-based, network-ready application that provides an intuitive and user-friendly means to manage IPPs. PreWin helps POTW's monitor and enforce Industrial User (IU) compliance with federal Pretreatment regulations. It schedules and tracks IU and POTW activities, monitors sampling results and automatically detects effluent discharge and reporting violations. Designed according to EPA regulations, PreWin determines Significant Non-Compliance (SNC) and supports generation and tracking of enforcement actions.
Sanexen Environmental Services Inc. The new software TerraSys, developed by Sanexen Environmental Services Inc., combines all the tools required for ecotoxicological risk assessment of contaminated sites. Developed primarily for cases involving contaminated soil, TerraSys possesses the functions necessary to evaluate various situations involving toxic substances in the environment, whether in terrestrial or aquatic habitats. The numerous databases integrated into the program can be edited by the analyst. This gives TerraSys a capacity so far unequalled for performing risk assessments on combinations of receptors and contaminants for which no reference values are currently available. TerraSys includes unprecedented new functions which extend its capacities well beyond traditional models. These functions include geostatistical treatment of characterization data, functions for the calculation of dose/response relationships and sensitivity distributions integrated with ecotoxicological databases.
SAPHIRE Users Group SAPHIRE is the premier probabilistic risk and reliability tool. The acronym SAPHIRE stands for "Systems Analysis Programs for Hands-on Integrated Reliability Evaluations." which are the four distinct categories of characteristics associated with the software.
SAS Institute SAS Institute is an information delivery software company. Their Risk Analysis Environment system supports market and credit risk analysis methods, including mark-to-market valuation, scenario analysis, sensitivity analysis, VAR and a number of simulation methods. SAS Institute produces high-quality software solutions that meet the needs of decision makers in business, government and education worldwide. JMP statistics software helps you visualize and uncover data patterns that impact research, development, and production activities. JMP is used worldwide to develop products, reduce defects, streamline operations, improve quality, and optimize resources. Universities on every continent rely on JMP to make teaching and learning statistics relevant and fun.
Savvysoft Savvysoft delivers derivatives analytics and exotic options through their TOPS system. The company has also introduced TopsCredit for valuing credit derivatives and calculating default probabilities.
Scientech, LLC SCIENTECH, Inc., is an employee-owned technical services company that provides assistance to clients in the fields of safety, the environment, security, and systems engineering. SCIENTECH offers many risk-related software products.
Scientific Software, Inc. Scientific Software offers Groundwater Vistas, a complete groundwater modeling environment software package. Groundwater Vistas is a graphical user interface model design and analysis for MODFLOW, MODPATH, MT3D, PEST, UCODE, and RT3D.
Shaw Group Inc., The A diverse engineering, construction, fabrication, environmental and industrial services organization with over 20,000 employees in strategic locations around the world.
Simcorp Providers of solutions for pricing risk analysis and financial modelling of derivatives and other financial instruments. The company also supplies financial systems courses and consultancy. Site features news and contact links, as well as detailed product information.
SmartQuant This site features open source financial software called R-Quant Data Analysis Studio. R-Quant object-oriented data management system supports large corporative data warehouses with quote and trade tick and daily historical data for many financial instruments.
SmartStream Technologies SmartStream Technologies is a supplier of Straight Through Processing solutions for Transaction Lifecycle Management.Products covered on their site include SWIFTReady Gold accredited and ISO15022 compliant solutions for enterprise-wide transaction management.
SoftGen Australia Pty Ltd SoftGen Australia Pty Ltd is an Australian company that develops and markets Tickit3, a web-based Enterprise Risk and Compliance management solution, designed to conform with and exceed the requirements of AS/NZS 4360:1999. It is equally applicable to legislative compliance. It has been designed in collaboration with world-leading risk management corporations, legal firms, expert consultants in risk management practice and major corporate users.
Software Engineering Associates Software Engineering provides underwater acoustic navigation and data acquisition and analysis software for the oceanographic community, including: research institutes, government agencies, navy groups and commercial clients. The company's products are routinely used on deep ROV's (remotely operated vehicles), AUV's (autonomous vehicles), manned submarines, deep instrument tows and surface vessels.
Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University CERT Coordination Center The Operationally Critical Threat, Asset, and Vulnerability EvaluationSM, or OCTAVE®, approach is a self-directed information security risk evaluation method that offers a systematic way for an organization to address its information security risks, sorting through the complex web of organizational and technological issues. The OCTAVE® method and its implementation guide can be downloaded from the CERT® Coordination Center website at http://www.cert.org/octave/.
SolArc Inc. From natural gas liquids to crude and refined products, SolArc is inventing intelligent software in the liquid hydrocarbons industry to help integrate important functions, increase efficiency, and decrease costs. SolArc produces Right Angle which is an integrated trade management solution for the liquid hydrocarbons industry. The software streamlines data input to minimize effort and eliminate duplication between traders, schedulers, and accountants. Routine tasks, such as preparing and sending contract and nomination faxes, invoices, etc., are automated to increase efficiency and timeliness, and reports are available on demand so that trading decisions can be made with the most up-to-date information.
Sophis Sophis Risque provides a complete front to back office trading and risk management solution for equities and derivatives. Convertibles On-line is a global database of convertible bonds and equities, aimed at equity research and trading desks.
Spatial Analysis and Decision Assistance (SADA) Spatial Analysis and Decision Assistance (SADA) is free software that incorporates tools from various fields into an environmental assessment problem solving environment. These tools include integrated modules for visualization, geospatial analysis, statistical analysis, human health risk assessment, cost/benefit analysis, sampling design, and decision analysis. The modules in SADA can be used independently or collectively to address site specific concerns when characterizing a contaminated site and when designing remedial action. SADA was designed to simplify and streamline several of the environmental characterization processes and to integrate the information in order to facilitate decisions about a particular site in a quick and cost effective manner.
SS&C Headquartered in Windsor, CT and with offices throughout North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia, SS&C provides the global financial services industry with a broad range of highly specialized software, business process outsourcing (BPO) services and application service provider (ASP) solutions. They deliver mission-critical processing for information management, analysis, trading, accounting, reporting and compliance. They provide their products and services in eight vertical markets:
Starpoint Software Inc. Starpoint Software provides quality environmental and geologic applications for Windows. The company offers ChemPoint 4.0, a powerful data management software for surface water, ground water, soil, ash, sludge, bio-tissue, and air pollution monitoring; ChemStat, a full featured RCRA compliant statistical analysis software for ground water data that includes most methods described in 1989 and 1992 USEPA statistical guidance documents; MohrView, a product that provides highly customizable, professional quality Mohr circle and Coulomb failure analysis plots and calculations; and SieveGraph, a product that provides highly customizable, professional quality sieve and hydrometer plots.
Stata Corporation Stata Corporation develops and distributes Stata, a software package for statistical analysis. Stata is available for Windows, Macintosh, and Unix computers. Stata is used by medical researchers, biostatisticians, epidemiologists, economists, sociologists, political scientists, geographers, psychologists, social scientists, and other research professionals needing to analyze data.
StatSoft Data analysis software from StatSoft is used at most major universities, research institutes, corporations and manufacturing facilities in over 60 countries. Most of StatSoft software is available in single-user versions (for individual end-users), in the form of network or concurrent multi-user packages, and as enterprise systems (with extensive groupware functionality) integrated with a data warehouse.
Subterranean Research Inc. (SRI) SRI's software specialists develop customized software for data, modeling, geostatistics, and optimization. Expertise in the visual programming environment ensures integration of legacy and research codes into the production environment. The company has several software packages available.
Suite LLC Suite delivers solutions to the world’s leaders derivatives dealers, hedge funds, and a “Big-Three” market-data provider. They furnish software as well as implementation and development services. In 2003 Suite purchased the intellectual property rights to all of the Cygnifi technology, including the exclusive rights to the Cygnifi name, trademarks and other proprietary assets.
Summit Systems, Inc. Summit Systems is the premier provider of Trading, STP Operations and Risk Management software for Fixed Income, Derivatives, Treasury and Commercial Lending businesses. Summit's market leadership is a result of harnessing technological innovation with advanced financial engineering to deliver the most comprehensive front-to-back business functionality available worldwide.
Syntex Management Systems, Inc. IMPACT Enterprise® is a powerful, comprehensive Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) solution that helps companies around the world dramatically improve an organization’s operational risk management initiatives, ultimately impacting their bottom line. IMPACT Enterprise uses an intuitive web-based interface, making it accessible by nearly any member of your workforce with a minimum of training. IMPACT Enterprise® encourages workers at every level to contribute information that pertains to reducing exposure to risk and improving safety, productivity and quality. This information immediately becomes visible to any level of management or the workforce that your deployment strategy dictates. IMPACT Enterprise®: Track, Prevent & Improve
Facilitates the discovery and removal of exposures to risk that result in organizational loss
Tracks incidents, investigations and responsibilities
Encourages the creation of remedies, for pro-active and reactive situations
Facilitates assessment of corrective actions
Provides site-level and enterprise-level views of performance. For more features and information on how this company can IMPACT your organization, please visit www.syntexsolutions.com. Also see MicroHedge (a Sungard Company) for information on option analytic and risk management solutions.
TDM Ltd Risk-Elimin8 is a powerful qualitative software package that assesses all key elements of risks through identification, evaluation, mitigation and management. It allows project managers to adopt a systematic and disciplined approach to risk assessment. Risk Elimin8 has been built from talking to professional risk managers that have years of experience with in the risk assessment field. Risk Elimin8 has the capability and flexibility to operate in any industry and be individually customised to fit a companies' own requirements. Allows easy intergration for importing of data into different formats, project management.
TechHackers INC TechHackers build software for securities trading and portfolio management. The @nalysts analytics product provides pricing and sensitivity analysis for all of the supported securities, mortgages, options and other stuctures. They also provide technology consulting through their London and New York offices.
TIBCO TIBCO provides a full range of products and services for the financial marketplace, including management consulting, systems design, development and support, market data distribution, order routing, trade management and exchange automation.
Tomatwoo Cesac S.p.A. Italian based software development company, which has developed RiskArt, a state-of-the-art solution designed to provide integrated support to all exchange rate and interest rate risk management activities and to securities and commodity portfolio management in general.
TreeAge Software, Inc. TreeAge Software, Inc. publishes, sells, and supports decision analysis software. The company offers Decision Analysis by TreeAge (DATA) software for cost-effectiveness analysis, risk analysis, Monte Carlo simulation, Markov processes, influence diagrams, and much more; and DATA Interactive to create an individual's decision analysis applications for the Internet, intranet, or CD-ROM, using decision trees built in DATA 3.5.
TrendTracker TrendTracker, a product of Marsh Risk Technologies, is a suite of applications that can automate audit processes, including environmental assessments, claims audits, health and safety inspections, compliance audits and management systems audits. This highly customizable software allows you to create and to perform audits with any content on a variety of hosts such as your PC, pocket PC or the Web.
Triple Point Technology INC Triple Point is a business solutions firm specialising in the design and development of custom, real-time, and client server trading systems. Their TEMPEST 2000 product provides real-time front-to-back office functionality, enabling traders to measure, monitor and control business and trading.
Turbolinux, Inc. Turbolinux Inc. is a leader in Linux-based software solutions for Internet and enterprise computing infrastructure, including core infrastructure workstation and networking operating systems products and value-added clustering software to manage network traffic and provide peer-to-peer distributing computing capabilities. The company offers two different solutions: Turbolinux Cluster Server for availability and load balancing and EnFuzion, a high-performance supercomputing cluster solution. Both integrate easily into existing corporate data centers.
Ubitrade Home page for Ubitrade (formerly ASTM), providers of derivatives technology for the capital market industry.
Unisys Unisys offers the FBA Urbis product, Urbis contains a fully integrated risk management capability for the monitoring of interest rate, exchange rate, liuidity, counterpart and credit risk.
University of Tennessee, Knoxville/Oak Ridge National Laboratory Spatial Analysis and Decision Assistance (SADA) is free software that incorporates tools from various fields into an environmental assessment problem solving environment. These tools include integrated modules for visualization, geospatial analysis, statistical analysis, human health risk assessment, cost/benefit analysis, sampling design, and decision analysis. The modules in SADA can be used independently or collectively to address site specific concerns when characterizing a contaminated site and when designing remedial action. SADA was designed to simplify and streamline several of the environmental characterization processes and to integrate the information in order to facilitate decisions about a particular site in a quick and cost effective manner.
UnRisk Site gives news and details of consultancy services, products and solutions from this Austrian based company. Includes information on The UnRisk PRICING ENGINE for Mathematica, a universal tool for valuation of financial derivatives.
U.S. Department of Energy The U.S. Department has several software programs available to help independent operators improve oil and gas exploration and reservoir management. Risk Analysis and Decision-Making Software uses operator-supplied data on reservoir conditions and information from the production process to analyze the drilling risks, estimate the probablility of success, identify the necessary capital to avoid failure, and screen for the most suitable recovery processes for a specific reservoir. FRAC-EXPLORE Software analyzes the characteristics and relationships of ground surface features, such as fractures and other geologic patterns, to identify potential subsurface oil and gas reservoirs. These two software packages can be obtained by contacting the National Petroleum Technology Office (NPTO), telephone (918) 699-2017, fax (918) 699-2005, e-mail htiedema@npto.doe.gov. The next two programs were developed as part of NPTO co-funded research projects. PfEFFER, a Kansas Geological Survey product, analyzes existing well log data on reservoir rock and fluid measurements to create maps, 3-D images, and estimates of various reservoir characteristics. Contact Lynn Watney, Kansas Geological Survey, telephone (913) 864-3965, fax (913) 864-5317, e-mail lwatney@kgs.ukans.edu. COSIM, a program developed at the University of Tulsa, processes geologic and petrophysical data from a reservoir and displays detailed 3-D images of selected reservoir features directly on the cmoputer screen. Contact Mohan Kelkar, University of Tulsa, telephone (918) 631-3036, fax (918) 631-2059, e-mail mohan@utulsa.edu.
U.S. Design U.S. Design designs, manufactures and markets high-capacity and high performance optical storage products for the computer industry. U.S. Design has solutions for applications such as data archival, imaging, backup, multimedia and data distribution. U.S. Design leads the market in providing the hardware and support services that offer the customer a complete software and hardware bundled solution.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics EPA's Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics (OPPT) has developed several exposure assessment methods, databases, and predictive models to help scientists and engineers familiar with exposure assessment principles in evaluating what happens to chemicals when they are used and released to the environment and how workers, the general public, consumers and the aquatic ecosystems may be exposed to chemicals. These models and tools include Chemical Screening Tool for Exposures & Environmental Releases (ChemSTEER); Exposure, Fate Assessment Screening Tool (E-FAST); Graphical Exposure Modeling Systems (GEMS); Multi-Chamber Concentration and Exposure Model (MCCEM); ReachScan; Source Ranking Database; Use Clusters Scoring System (UCSS); and Wall Paint Exposure Assessment Model (WPEM). While all will eventually be available from the OPPT web site, only E-FAST and MCCEM are available to download at this time.
Useful Technologies Useful Technologies is a software developer specializing in agricultural and financial risk management applications.
Vanguard Software Corporation Vanguard Software is a privately-held corporation founded in 1992 to develop state-of-the-art software for management and technical analysis. In addition to package software development, Vanguard offers custom model development services, consulting, and training. DecisionPro is Vanguard's software for management decision analysis.
Vinga System Consultants and developers of software for the financial market. Site includes detailed information on EcoWin Asset Allocation, used for analysing risk and returns in financial investments. Corporate information and downloads also available.
Virtual Research Associates, Inc. (VRA) VRA addresses the need to monitor global situations of terrorism and political risk. VRA launched a web-based software tool, VRA༞ Knowledge Manager, that supports interactive analysis and intuitive display of global news reports. VRA༞ Knowledge Manager is a real-time data development and interactive analysis software system designed to process large volumes of text-based reports. The system can illuminate countries' vulnerabilities to political instability, social turmoil and violence by automatically monitoring global news wire service reports, assessing them and presenting up-to-the-minute intelligence in graphs, maps and tables. By spotting areas where instability or violence are likely to occur, VRA Knowledge Manager is currently providing early warnings about potential "hot spots" to government agencies, academic and humanitarian organizations, and the intelligence community.
Visual Numerics International Ltd Visual Numerics provides tools for simulation monitoring and analysis.
Wall Street Systems Deliverers of treasury operations to financial institutions.
Weather Ventures Providers of weather risk management software and solutions.
Wilshire Associates Wilshire Associates is a global investment advisory firm that provides investment products and services, including investment consulting, asset management, mutual fund management and analytical tools.
WindLogics WindLogics wind energy services provide a unified approach delivering unrivaled results in assessing the potential rewards of wind farm development including wind prospecting, site assessment, forecasting and long-term resource analysis.
Wolfram Research Wolfram Research is a technical computing software developer. Since launching its Mathematica product, Wolfram has released a sequence of related technical computing products.
Xenomorph Software LTD Xenomorph provide software products and consultancy services for the financial securities industry and specialise in developing front-office applications and analysis tools covering areas such as time series analysis, risk management, data feed integration and basket analysis. Xenomorph's risk management systems access static data, trade data, real-time prices and market histories through the same set of interfaces.